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ارجوكم مساعدة في واجب الانجليزية

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ارجوكم مساعدة في واجب الانجليزية

imagine you are on an election advertise your programme by writing a policy statment . use going to and the clues below .
fellow citizens.
if iam elected to office iam going to………
-reduce food prices-raise civil servants salaries-build a hospital-impose higher taxes on cigarettes-provide accommodation/houses for all….
add other examples of your own.
احتاجه ليوم الغد ارجوا لكل من قام به الا تبخلوا

assalamo alikom

you should khow first when we use this form

We say something is going to happen when it has already been planned

for example: We’re going to buy a new car next year

So at the beguining, you can say:

if i am elected to office
I’m going to reduce food prices
I’m also going to raise civil servants salaries

thank you so mush ^__^

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