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قل ولا تقل بالانجليزية ! What to say and what not to say in English تعلم انجليزية 2024.

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قل ولا تقل بالانجليزية ! What to say and what not to say in English

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful


Don’t say : what rude man!

Say : what a rude man!


Don’t say : we live in small house.

Say : we live in a small house.


Don’t say : A water is made of Oxygen and Hydrogen

Say : Water is made of Oxygen and Hydrogen


Don’t say : Ali is studeing to be doctor

Say : Ali is studeing to be a doctor


Don’t say : He was burning with an anger

Say : He was burning with anger

Don’t say : I need some informations

Say : I need some information

Don’t Say : The gold is a precious

Say : Gold is precious

Don’t say : The dogs are faithful animals

Say : Dogs are faithful animals

Don’t say : We shall start after the breakfast

Say : We shall start after breakfast

Don’t say : My favourite game is the football

Say : My favourite game is football

Don’t say : The green is a beautiful colour

Say : Green is a beautiful colour

Don’t say : Look! Tow boys fight

Say : Look! Tow boys are fighting

Don’t say : Every morning I am going for a walk

Say : Every morning I go for a walk

Don’t say : Last year I was walking to school every day

Say : Last year I walked to school every day

Don’t say : The train left before I arrived

Say : The train had left before I arrived

Don’t say : I had finished the book yesterday

Say : I finished the book yesterday



thanks alot
thank u so much for pastin those sentencecs
really some ppl need them to fix what they have missed
thx sister


thx alot fo your passing

^_^thank you ^_^
thank’s for those useful information

thank’s alot

Thank you so much
Thanx alot for your passing


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