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Books for Young Children 2024.

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Books for Young Children

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble – by Daniel Errico – Illustrated by Christian Colabelli – Deep below the ocean waves a gnarble fish dreams of seeing the sun and sky.

Invisible Alligators – by Hayes Roberts –
Little Sari discovers invisible alligators quietly sneaking around creating trouble for her and everyone else

The Brave Monkey Pirate – by Hayes Roberts – The Pirate Modi uses his father’s ship to follow a map. Will what he finds help him brave a shot at the doctor’s office

The Wiener Dog Magnet – by Hayes Roberts – Just what is it you can do with a wiener dog magnet? Kiki Marie is about to find out.

Buzzy Bee’s Night Out – by Carol Moore – Illustrated by Dan Wetzel – Buzzy Bee ventures into the night in search of tasty flowers

there are other books abut this is new books

Good Wishes

Thanks alot
dear these are amazing stories
thanks a lot
great effort
thank you dear

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