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اريد مساعدة في ترجمة النص الى الانجليزية 2024.

اريد مساعدة في ترجمة النص الى الانجليزية

استيقظت من النوم فجأة
ورأيت نور غريب يسطع!!
والمشكلة ان باب الغرفة مغلق !!!!!
ونضرت الى الساعة وهي الرابعة صباحا
وسألت نفسي من اين هذا النور ؟؟
تفاجأت لما رأيت نصف يدي في الجدار
واخرجتها بسرعة وانا خائف وانضر اليها
وادخلت يدي مرة ثانية في الجدار وهي تدخل !!!!!!!
سمعت صوت وضحك
جلست والتفت ورايت اخي نائم !!!!!!
قمت من السرير وانا خائف اريد ان ايقضه من النوم
لكن لم يرد علي أحد
وذهبت الى غرفة أبي و امي لكي ايقضهما لكن لم يرد علي ابي وامي
وحاولت مجددا مع امي وفجأه استيقضت من النوم !!!!!!!!
قامت من النوم لكن لم تكلمني كانت تسمي :بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم :وتكررها ..
وذهبت لابي لكي يقوم من النوم قالت له قم يا رجل يجب ان نطمأن على الاولاد ..
لكن ابي لم يقوم من النوم قال لها الصباح يصبح خيرا …
لكن امي اصرت ان يقوم ابي من النوم وفعل ذالك …
لكن جلست اصرخ امي ابي لكن لم يرد علي أحد !!!!!!!
مسكت في ثياب أمي لكن لم تحس بي ولم تسمعني !!!!!
تفاجأت لما رأيت شيئ غريب
رأيت جسمي !!!!!!
نعم جسمي أنا
جلست وأطالع نفسي بي أري انني شخصيني ليس واحد
قلت من هذا لماذا يشبهني وكيف هذا !!!!!!!!
جلست اضرب نفسي أريد ان اصحي من هذا الحلم الكئيب لكن لم اصحي ..
ورايت ابي وامي يقولان ان الاولاد نائمين هي لنذهب …
لكن امي لم تهدأ ذهبت الى الذي نام في مكاني ..
قالت محمد قوم من النوم تكلم معي لكن لم يرد
حاولت اكثر من مرة لكن لا فائدة ونزلت الدموع من أمي وابي
أبي القوي الذي لم اري دموعه رأيتها اليوم ….
بدأ الصراخ يعلي في المكان واستيقض اخي من النوم قال ماذا حصل !!!!
قالت له اخوك مات وهي تبكي بحرقة …
ازداد الصراخ !!!!!!!!!
وذهبت لأمي قلت لها انا هنا لماذا تبكي ممكن تراني انا حي !!!!!
لكن لا يوجد اي شخص يرد علي لماذا !!!!!!!
جلست اصرخ انا هنا موجود انضرو الي لكن لا يوجد اي احد يرد
جلست اصرخ اقول يا رب خلصني من هذا الحلم
سمعت صوت يأتي من بعيد يقول تعال وقال لي …
((( لقد كنت في غفلة من هذا وكشفنا عنك غطائك فبصرك اليوم من حديد ))))
فجأة امسكو بي شخصيني لكن ليسو من باني البشر وخفت من هذا الكابوس
جلست اصرخ اتروكوني اتروكوني وقلت اهم من انتم ماذا تريدون !!!!
قالو لي نحن حراسك حتي القبر …
قلت لهم انا لست ميت انا حي في الحلم
لماذا تقودونني الى القبر اتركوني
قلت لهم انا احس وأتكلم وأري أيضا وردو علي با الابتسامة
قالو لي عجيب امركم انتم البشر تضنون ان الموت هو نهاية الحياة ولا تعرفون ان ما كنتم تعيشون فيه هو فقط حلم قصير ينتهي عندما تمتون ..
وسحبوني الى القبر في طريقي اري أناس يضحكون وأ ناس يبكون وأ ناس يصرخون وكل شخص معه اثنان مثلي ،،
قالو لي ان هؤلاء الاشخاص يعرفون مصيرهم منهم من كان على ضلال ..
وقاطعتهم في كلامهم وانا خائف قلت لهم هل يذهبون الى النار قالو لي نعم !!!!
وقالو ان الذين يضحكون يذهبون الجنة !!!!!
وقلت لهم وانا اين اذهب النار او الجنة ؟؟
قالو لي انت كنت تمشي في الطريق الصحيح وتغيرت لطريق الخطأ
يوم تتوب ويوم ترجع للمعصية لم تكن واضح مع نفسك وسوف تبقي هكذا …
قلت لهم انا ذهب الى النار ؟؟؟؟؟
فردو على قالو رحمة الله واسعة والطريق طويلة"
التفت ورأيت أهلي وأقاربي أمي وأ بي
يحملونني في صندوق قلت لهم أ دعولي لكن لم يرد علىي اي أحد
قلت لأخي انتبه من الدنيا وفتنها لا تغريك
كنت اتمني ان لو انه يسمعني
شدوني الملكيني ووضعوني في قبري فوق جسدي الحقيقي
رايت ابي يرمي التراب فوقي
ورايت اقاربي يرمون التراب فوق قبري
تمنيت انني كنت مكانهم لكي اتوب
كان صليت الفجر امس
ودعيت الله كل يوم
وجددت توبتي كل يوم
كان بطلت ان افعل المعاصي
وكنت اصرخ اقول يا ناس انتبهو لا تغركم الدنيا
تمنيت لو اي شخص يسمعني
فهل سمعت انت ؟؟؟؟؟

لا يوجد من يساعدني لماذا ؟

I woke up suddenly
I saw a strange light shine!
The problem is that the door to the room closed !!!!!
And Ndhart to time which is the fourth am
I asked myself where this light?
I was surprised when I saw that half the hands in the wall
And exited quickly and I’m afraid it and look deep
And introduced again in the hands of the wall as it enters !!!!!!!
I heard the sound of laughter
I sat down and I turned and I saw my brother was sleeping !!!!!!
You out of bed and I’m afraid I want to sleep Aigdah
But did not respond to a
I went to the room and my father and my mother in order to Aigdahma but did not respond to my father and mother
I tried again with my mother and suddenly Astikdt sleep !!!!!!!!
The sleep but did not speak to me was called: In the name of God the Merciful: and frequency ..
I went to my father so that the sleep she told him, O man must Ntmon the boys ..
But my father did not sleep the morning he told her become a better …
But Lamy insisted that the Abe sleep and did Malk …
But I sat my mother scream but my father did not respond to a !!!!!!!
Mom caught in clothes but did not feel me and did not hear me !!!!!
I was surprised when I saw something strange
I saw my body !!!!!!
Yes my body I
I sat down and I look at myself I see me I’m not the one Chk**********
I’ve said this like me why and how this !!!!!!!!
Multiply sat myself I want to wake up from this dream dreary but did not wake up ..
Wright and my father and mother say that the children are asleep to go …
But my mother did not subside, who went to Nam in my place ..
Mohammed said some of the sleep spoke with me but did not want to
I tried more than once, but not useful and I got tears from Mom and Dad
Dad’s strong not Larry tears I saw today ….
Began yelling in place is second to none and my brother sleep Astikd said what happened !!!!
Said his brother died, she cried bitterly …
Increased scream !!!!!!!!!
I went to my mom and told her what I’m here to see me cry possible I live !!!!!
But there is no person who is given to why !!!!!!!
I sat Swear I’m here to present Andharo but there is no one respond
I sat Swear I say, O Lord, save me from this dream
I heard the voice comes from afar say Come to me and said …
(((I’ve been in the absence of this, and you uncovered your cover Vbesrk day of iron))))
Suddenly Amesku me Chk********** but are not a builder of humans and eased from this nightmare
I sat Swear Atrokony Atrokony and I said most of what you want !!!!
They told me we are your guard so grave …
I told them I’m not dead, I live in a dream
Why Tcodonni to the grave Atrcna
I told them I felt and I also speak and RDO Ali Ba smile
They told me wondrous commanded you humans Tdhanon that death is not the end of life that you know what you are living in it is only a short dream ends when Tmton ..
Sahbuna and on my way to the grave Larry people laugh Wa Wa people crying people screaming and everyone like me, with two
They told me that these people know the fate of them was astray ..
Qatathm and in their words and I’m afraid I told them you were going to fire me, they said yes !!!!
And they said that those who go laugh Paradise !!!!!
I told them where to go and I fire or paradise?
They told me you were walking in the right way and changed by mistake
Day repent and return to the day sin were not clear with yourself and will keep so …
I told them I went to the fire ?????
Vrdo Alou on the mercy of God and the road is long and wide "
I turned and saw my family and my relatives my mom wa
Me holding in the fund told them a Daula but did not want any one Alya
I told my brother to be aware of the world and does not beckon Vtnea
I hope that if he hears me
Shadony Alna and put me in my grave over my body real
Abi Wright throw dirt on me
Wright’s relatives and throw dirt over graves
I wished that I was in their place in order to repent
I prayed it was dawn yesterday
And invited God every day
Repentance and renewed every day
Was invalidated to do sin
I Swear I tell you people do not Antbho Tgrkm minimum
I wished anybody hear me
So I heard you ?????

بعتذر منك اذا كان في اخطاء

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شذى خليجية

i woke up suddenly
i saw a strange light shine!
The problem is that the door to the room closed !!!!!
And ndhart to time which is the fourth am
i asked myself where this light?
I was surprised when i saw that half the hands in the wall
and exited quickly and i’m afraid it and look deep
and introduced again in the hands of the wall as it enters !!!!!!!
I heard the sound of laughter
i sat down and i turned and i saw my brother was sleeping !!!!!!
You out of bed and i’m afraid i want to sleep aigdah
but did not respond to a
i went to the room and my father and my mother in order to aigdahma but did not respond to my father and mother
i tried again with my mother and suddenly astikdt sleep !!!!!!!!
The sleep but did not speak to me was called: In the name of god the merciful: And frequency ..
I went to my father so that the sleep she told him, o man must ntmon the boys ..
But my father did not sleep the morning he told her become a better …
But lamy insisted that the abe sleep and did malk …
But i sat my mother scream but my father did not respond to a !!!!!!!
Mom caught in clothes but did not feel me and did not hear me !!!!!
I was surprised when i saw something strange
i saw my body !!!!!!
Yes my body i
i sat down and i look at myself i see me i’m not the one chk**********
i’ve said this like me why and how this !!!!!!!!
Multiply sat myself i want to wake up from this dream dreary but did not wake up ..
Wright and my father and mother say that the children are asleep to go …
But my mother did not subside, who went to nam in my place ..
Mohammed said some of the sleep spoke with me but did not want to
i tried more than once, but not useful and i got tears from mom and dad
dad’s strong not larry tears i saw today ….
Began yelling in place is second to none and my brother sleep astikd said what happened !!!!
Said his brother died, she cried bitterly …
Increased scream !!!!!!!!!
I went to my mom and told her what i’m here to see me cry possible i live !!!!!
But there is no person who is given to why !!!!!!!
I sat swear i’m here to present andharo but there is no one respond
i sat swear i say, o lord, save me from this dream
i heard the voice comes from afar say come to me and said …
(((i’ve been in the absence of this, and you uncovered your cover vbesrk day of iron))))
suddenly amesku me chk********** but are not a builder of humans and eased from this nightmare
i sat swear atrokony atrokony and i said most of what you want !!!!
They told me we are your guard so grave …
I told them i’m not dead, i live in a dream
why tcodonni to the grave atrcna
i told them i felt and i also speak and rdo ali ba smile
they told me wondrous commanded you humans tdhanon that death is not the end of life that you know what you are living in it is only a short dream ends when tmton ..
Sahbuna and on my way to the grave larry people laugh wa wa people crying people screaming and everyone like me, with two
they told me that these people know the fate of them was astray ..
Qatathm and in their words and i’m afraid i told them you were going to fire me, they said yes !!!!
And they said that those who go laugh paradise !!!!!
I told them where to go and i fire or paradise?
They told me you were walking in the right way and changed by mistake
day repent and return to the day sin were not clear with yourself and will keep so …
I told them i went to the fire ?????
Vrdo alou on the mercy of god and the road is long and wide "
i turned and saw my family and my relatives my mom wa
me holding in the fund told them a daula but did not want any one alya
i told my brother to be aware of the world and does not beckon vtnea
i hope that if he hears me
shadony alna and put me in my grave over my body real
abi wright throw dirt on me
wright’s relatives and throw dirt over graves
i wished that i was in their place in order to repent
i prayed it was dawn yesterday
and invited god every day
repentance and renewed every day
was invalidated to do sin
i swear i tell you people do not antbho tgrkm minimum
i wished anybody hear me
so i heard you ?????

بعتذر منك اذا كان في اخطاء

الترجمة من المواقع ليست صحيحة اريد ترجمة با العقل البشري

I suddenly woke up from sleep
and i saw a strange light shining
but the problem is that the room’s door is closed
i looked at the clock and it’s four am
i asked myself where is this light coming from
i was chocked when i saw that half of my hand is in the wall
i took it out immediately and i’m scared then i looked at it
i tried to enter my hand again in the wall and it did
i heard a voice and a laugh
i sat; i turned; and i saw my brother sleeping
i got out of bed scared wanting to wake him up
but no one responds me

دي ترجمتي بمجهودي الخاص لو حبيتي اكمل لك ابشري

انتي ترجمتي شوية بس رائعة هل ممكن اتمامها اريد مساعدة منك من فضلك لا تنس ترجمة النص كامل والاجر عند الله يحتسب لكي

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ouma-ima خليجية
i suddenly woke up from sleep
and i saw a strange light shining
but the problem is that the room’s door is closed
i looked at the clock and it’s four am
i asked myself where is this light coming from
i was chocked when i saw that half of my hand is in the wall
i took it out immediately and i’m scared then i looked at it
i tried to enter my hand again in the wall and it did
i heard a voice and a laugh
i sat; i turned; and i saw my brother sleeping
i got out of bed scared wanting to wake him up
but no one responds me

دي ترجمتي بمجهودي الخاص لو حبيتي اكمل لك ابشري

اكملي النص ان الله يعطيك اجرك وهذا وعد الله ليس وعدي

حيــآتى هاذى هي آلترجمـه بالآنجليزى
I woke up suddenly
I saw a strange light shine!
The problem is that the door to the room closed !!!!!
And Ndhart to time which is the fourth am
I asked myself where this light?
I was surprised when I saw that half the hands in the wall
And exited quickly and I’m afraid it and look deep
And introduced again in the hands of the wall as it enters !!!!!!!
I heard the sound of laughter
I sat down and I turned and I saw my brother was sleeping !!!!!!
You out of bed and I’m afraid I want to sleep Aigdah
But did not respond to a
I went to the room and my father and my mother in order to Aigdahma but did not respond to my father and mother
I tried again with my mother and suddenly Astikdt sleep !!!!!!!!
The sleep but did not speak to me was called: In the name of God the Merciful: and frequency ..
I went to my father so that the sleep she told him, O man must Ntmon the boys ..
But my father did not sleep the morning he told her become a better …
But Lamy insisted that the Abe sleep and did Malk …
But I sat my mother scream but my father did not respond to a !!!!!!!
Mom caught in clothes but did not feel me and did not hear me !!!!!
I was surprised when I saw something strange
I saw my body !!!!!!
Yes my body I
I sat down and I look at myself I see me I’m not the one Chk**********
I’ve said this like me why and how this !!!!!!!!
Multiply sat myself I want to wake up from this dream dreary but did not wake up ..
Wright and my father and mother say that the children are asleep to go …
But my mother did not subside, who went to Nam in my place ..
Mohammed said some of the sleep spoke with me but did not want to
I tried more than once, but not useful and I got tears from Mom and Dad
Dad’s strong not Larry tears I saw today ….
Began yelling in place is second to none and my brother sleep Astikd said what happened !!!!
Said his brother died, she cried bitterly …
Increased scream !!!!!!!!!
I went to my mom and told her what I’m here to see me cry possible I live !!!!!
But there is no person who is given to why !!!!!!!
I sat Swear I’m here to present Andharo but there is no one respond
I sat Swear I say, O Lord, save me from this dream
I heard the voice comes from afar say Come to me and said …
(((I’ve been in the absence of this, and you uncovered your cover Vbesrk day of iron))))
Suddenly Amesku me Chk********** but are not a builder of humans and eased from this nightmare
I sat Swear Atrokony Atrokony and I said most of what you want !!!!
They told me we are your guard so grave …
I told them I’m not dead, I live in a dream
Why Tcodonni to the grave Atrcna
I told them I felt and I also speak and RDO Ali Ba smile
They told me wondrous commanded you humans Tdhanon that death is not the end of life that you know what you are living in it is only a short dream ends when Tmton ..
Sahbuna and on my way to the grave Larry people laugh Wa Wa people crying people screaming and everyone like me, with two
They told me that these people know the fate of them was astray ..
Qatathm and in their words and I’m afraid I told them you were going to fire me, they said yes !!!!
And they said that those who go laugh Paradise !!!!!
I told them where to go and I fire or paradise?
They told me you were walking in the right way and changed by mistake
Day repent and return to the day sin were not clear with yourself and will keep so …
I told them I went to the fire ?????
Vrdo Alou on the mercy of God and the road is long and wide "
I turned and saw my family and my relatives my mom wa
Me holding in the fund told them a Daula but did not want any one Alya
I told my brother to be aware of the world and does not beckon Vtnea
I hope that if he hears me
Shadony Alna and put me in my grave over my body real
Abi Wright throw dirt on me
Wright’s relatives and throw dirt over graves
I wished that I was in their place in order to repent
I prayed it was dawn yesterday
And invited God every day
Repentance and renewed every day
Was invalidated to do sin
I Swear I tell you people do not Antbho Tgrkm minimum
I wished anybody hear me
So I heard you ?????


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