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دعوه للاسلام باللغه الانجليزيه تعلم انجليزية 2024.

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دعوه للاسلام باللغه الانجليزيه

Prayers and peace be upon His Prophets and Messengers, our master Muhammad and his family and companions ..
The beginning I would like to thank my teacher because she made me do this great work to the invitation to Islam, God made in the parallel work on the Resurrection
The following:
The message of Islam
This is the most preached by Islam God’s heavenly, and absolute control over all of existence without a partner and laid-off for every one and everything he has. And that God is the Creator of all remember me and the whole universe is subject to his control.
Since the submission of the will of the kidneys of us God is the essence of slavery, and Islam is to worship God alone and avoid the worship of any person, or place or anything other than God.
Islam is the distance from the worship of human beings, and invites him to worship the Creator alone.
God alone is due to humans worship, alone has the ability to respond to the prayer. If left to people in their prayers, for creatures such as Oonar the sun or of people like Jesus or Moses or Mohammed so peace be upon him were not answered these calls because God told us in the first chapter of the Koran, which is light, no 4 (beware of worship, and Thine aid we seek.)

Muslims believe that God alone as one, not the God of the universe is Oojze them, and the universe is God or part of it, that God exists and is non-existent and Eternal being.
It is not worship in the universe reminds me of claiming that God will punish the United by God.

Thus, Islam is a clear invitation to the members of the worship of God and renounce the worship of any of the creatures.

God is who?
Word of God means God. Launched a personal name of God himself in the Koran and knew it.
We have free will?
Yes, of course, and God will not punish us for something we do not do our will, but at the same time, does not oppose our will to the will of the divine
We can not do anything unless God allowed us to do so.
This means that Ashiye occurs in the fact that God, but God’s will.

What prevents us from entering heaven?
Worship other than Allah is the greatest sin, and called the (trap) and forgiveness of God, but of sincere repentance, and follow the correct path before his death.

Where is God? God is the highest, is the highest of all creation, and the level on the throne, the throne, more and more often from the heavens and the earth
Valsmuat and the earth, is just Ekhalqp dumped in the wild for the throne.
Allah is the greatest of all remember me.

Does God like us?
No, God is one, and not like Him Remember .. Remember me Do not Icbhah of his creatures.
God said to us that he has hands, eyes, face and feet, but all of these qualities that we look to fit in with the greatness, grandeur and power and glory.
A Muslim does not describe God in any capacity except as described by God Himself in the Koran.
For example, we do not say that God is tired, or half of what is not appropriate in the interpretation of Samad individual.

What is the meaning of faith in God?
Means to believe in one God, the Almighty, Remember Me.
And all those who believe in the messengers and sent them to choose from, including the Muslim and believe in all prophets sent by God.
This means that belief in angels, we must love them all.
And belief in God and good and evil. (Which is close to us, but everything has a relationship with God is better)
Faith and the Last Day: the Day of Resurrection.

What about non-Muslims, will enter Paradise?
God does not accept other than Islam as a religion, from the point of view in the Koran:
(And submission to God, we will not accept it, and in the Hereafter Imran 85)
Muslims do not care if he lost the world affairs, but is keen not to lose this world, and as shown is not the end of the torment of Hell
There is no death.

What about the person who has never heard of Islam?
God is just.
Never before and we have to be more just than God.
According to the Koran:
(And We never punish until We have sent a messenger) 15 Al Isra
So you will be escorted God for those who never hear the call of Islam.

How do we know that Islam is the truth?
1. The belief that the only uniqueness of slavery and what God can be attributed to him easily and wonderful recipes.
2. We do not worship idols with other like Christ or owners.
3. There is no contradiction in the Koran.
4. Quran scientific facts 1400 years ago has been discovered only now there is no conflict between them and the flag.
5. The Prophet Muhammad was most influential personality in history, so that non-Muslim writer, and wrote a book entitled
(100 most influential figure in history) and Akhtar Mohammad peace be upon him to be No. 1, and chose Jesus Christ, peace be upon him No. (3)
Allow God to the Prophet who was a trick to the success of this success? The Bible and the death of the false prophet, and Mohammed did not die until fully completed, the teachings and the message of Islam!
6. The Koran contains many prophecies, including what has been accomplished, including what will happen in the future.

Can a person be a Muslim?
Yes, anyone can be a Muslim, and therefore there is a need for Chhadtan:
1. Attest that there is no god but Allah alone is worship due.
2. Testifies that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
It must be obvious Balchhadtan in Arabic.
This makes it (he or she is) a Muslim.

And then what?
It became a Muslim (he or she) learns to pray and fast and the provisions of Zakat and Hajj Staff
These are the pillars of Islam.

اتمنى من الله العلي القدير ان يوفقنا لما يحبه ويرضاه .. منقوووووووووووولخليجية

ليه ماتردون علي ماعجبكم موضوعي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
تهي تهي تهي؟؟؟؟
جزاك الله كل خير
سبحاااااااااااان الله
سبحااااااااااااااان الله
سبحاااااااااااااان الله

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