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The Game Of – If تعلم انجليزية 2024.

The Game Of – If

it’s an easy game ,,u just have to start with an( if )sentence or complete the previouse if sentence
more explianation,,

the first member will say

if i were in jordan now

the second memeber will continue

i would eat mansaf

the purpose of this game is to practice the (if) rule:speciallyThe Future Unreal Conditional which is used to talk about imaginary situations in the future. It is not as common as the Future Real Conditional because English speakers often leave open the possibility that anything MIGHT happen in the future. It is only used when a speaker needs to emphasize that something is impossible.

باختصار هذه القاعدة تستخدم لبيان تمنى شي مستحيل وقوعه او تحقيقه…فهي عن تمني شئ من الصعوبة وقوعه في الوقت الحالي

The first condition

المصدر + will , مضارع بسيط If
eg: If I study well, I will pass the exame
تستخدم للتحدث عن مواقف مستقبليه…. يمكن أن تحدث ويمكن لا(محتمل حدوثها)

The second condition

المصدر+ Would , ماضي بسيط If
eg: If I studied well, I would pass the exams
تستخدم للتحدث عن مواقف بالحاضر أو المستقبل(غير محتمل حدوثها)

The third condition

المصدر الثالث+ Would have , المصدر الثالث +If had
eg: If I had passed my exams, I would have joined Mu’tah University
تستخدم للتحدث عن مواقف ماضيه لم تحدث أصلاً ( للندم )


when (if) comes @ the beginning of a sentence then we have to
differentiate the first part and the second by using (,) a comma
when (if) comes @ the middle , no need to use any comma

Now……… I’m going to be the first participant

IF u were a pilot , u would…..

thx alot my sister Asma for this helpful game

and i’ll be the second participant

If I was pilot, i would fly over the Atlantic ocean


If you had a million dollar, you would ___________

if i had a million dollar i wud help people in palastine with it

thax dear nice game

if u were older than u r; u wud ……
if U were older than u r; u wud LOOK about job
If u get flu , u will…………


If I get flu , I will stay at bed

if you were five years old, you would

if i was five years old , i would enjoy my childhood

if you were a usa president, you would

nice topic dear

if you were a usa president, you would make a peace with all countries

IF U WERE princess , u would ………

thanx cyrene


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