Hello everybody
? How are you
I hope you all fine
so let’s start
I know we all wanna learn English to learn it we
. should use it. this is the main rule
so, as a beginning we will make this little challenge if we found you excited on it we may make courses for
!.. you
: okay, to be this challenge more useful for you
please don’t use translate google
try to understand the word by yourself
if you found a new word go and translate it alone and understand the meaning
no matter how much the new word you got because you will learn it in the end*
no one born with know every thing they all learn by themself * don’t be afraid of trying*
your sentence you should write it with words you know it before not from google, If you wanna new word learn it by yourself but don’t use translate that
! will be as cheating
translate the word if you wanna know the meaning
or to check the spelling just
write the new word and the sentence in your note book try to making phrase with the new word
talk and use it here or out as much as you can, until you feel you got it well
the challenge is
I will write sentence or wise whatever
who come after me should start her sentence with last letter
it is as game
on Arabic there is member make it Arabic but this is
! English and this is your challenge
! who is give up first the loser
* this was by Zikra and I decided to change*
! do you have confidence to challenge us
please guys don’t use Arabic not allowed here
! sorry even one letter don’t write it down
: my sentence is
easy come , easy go
last letter is o
come on
thank you honey good luck for you too
But you should try too hey come on don’t be like this
My sentence is:
Our books are lose . Do you know where are them?
so it is ,, M
!.. Misery is only come to whose give up on their life
! oh gosh, it was like a gash on my heart
you wrote here with Arabic Shaza
!.. okay because it was you every thing will
be okay
look here
حبيبي اللي باللون الرمادي هذي بعض الشروط خخخ واشياء تساعدك بان تعود عليك هاللعبة بالنفع ترجميه وافهميه حاولي لو مافهمتي معنى كلمة قولي لي اترجمو لك بس انتي اول حاولي عشان تتقني
اللعبة شرحت ان فيه عضوة مسويتها بالعربية اوكي وهذا نسخة بس بالانجليزي والتحدي لانها اانجليزية ،، نكتب جملة او حكمة اي شيء بس نبداها باخر حرف من جملة العضوة اللي قبلنا
عشان نتعلم الانجليزي نحتاج نستخدمو واسهل طريقة لحفظ اكبر كمية كلمات كتابة الجمل وقرائتها وحفظها واستخدامها بعد مايكون عندنا كمية كلمات ونعرف معانيها راح نتعلم اللغة وندرس القواعد ونكتب الرسائل والقصص والمقالات ،،!
هي مجرد تحدي نبغى نشوف مين يستلم اول واللي يستسلم اول حيكون الخاسر ههههه
بليز حبيباتي نبطل نكتب عربي حتى نستمر بالتعلم ،، ترجمو اي شيء مافهمتو لوحدو وحاولو قد ما تقدرو تفهمو الجملة وتقرأوها مو تطالعوها نظر لا اقرأو كمان واسمعو بالمترجم لو جديدة عليكم وكونو عليها جمل بدفتركم الخاص ،،!
لو فيه حماس وكذا انا ان شاء الله حـ انزل دوورات تعليم انجليزي ،،!