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My English Stroy -انجليزي 2024.

My English Stroy

Hi everyone, Asma is speaking

This is like my first topic at this section and I hope to see a great interation from you all
and specially from those who have great interest in English and already talk with it.

So, yeah! That’s the subject.
Talking with English, or English itself

To keep this simple I’ll tell you my story in questions form then you girls go ahead and tell me yours by answering the same question, easy and fun?! right!?

1. Why did you choose to learn English?!

English is like so fun and easy to learn, it’s international and you need it almost everywhere.
So it wasn’t like much of a choise for me than a must.

2. Where did you learn it from?!

I learned it as a native language, believe it or not it was all from cartoons and kids show.
As a kid I saw TV in English & learned with my speaking skills, you could say it was added to my education ;D

3. Do you think it’s hard or easy?!

Comparted with the other languages I know, English is considered the easiest one in the world – or at least for me!

4. What did you do to improve your English?!

Like any other language you have to speak and by that I mean live speaking. Writing isn’t any bad but your tongue won’t get the exercise for how to letout the words and sentences in English. There are many websites out there that offer chatting with native people – which is the best – you can go and practice there. In my case I chat with my family and native speakers at work which helped a lot.

5. Any tip or word about it?!
If you ever want to learn any language learn it from the natives, it’s the right way if you ask me 😉
Now your turn, tell me your story with English by answering these questions
And if you have anything else to add, please do.

I’m so interested to see everyone’s answers and read their stories.

Hi Asma i’m Littlegirl i liked yor topic and i’m glad to be first one to tell my story so lets start خليجية

..1.Why did you choose to learn English
because i had to move to USA and we all know that english is the speaking language there

Where did you learn it from..2.
from school but mostly from sister lobna a very good teacher helped me catch up with my class and learn faster

. Do you think it’s hard or easy..3.
i agree with you its the most easy language you could learn and i love it

What did you do to improve your English.4.

i talk no matter what practicing is always the best and like i mentioned before i live in usa and that was enough to help

5. Any tip or word about it

not really it just i would like to advice everyone to try learn english because like you said its fun

and i want to thank you for your really nice topic wish you best خليجية

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة littlegirl خليجية
Hi Asma i’m Littlegirl i liked yor topic and i’m glad to be first one to tell my story so lets start خليجية

..1.Why did you choose to learn English
because i had to move to USA and we all know that english is the speaking language there

Where did you learn it from..2.
from school but mostly from sister lobna a very good teacher helped me catch up with my class and learn faster

. Do you think it’s hard or easy..3.
i agree with you its the most easy language you could learn and i love it

What did you do to improve your English.4.

i talk no matter what practicing is always the best and like i mentioned before i live in usa and that was enough to help

5. Any tip or word about it

not really it just i would like to advice everyone to try learn english because like you said its fun

and i want to thank you for your really nice topic wish you best خليجية

Honey! What an outstanding interaction from you!
WOW! You’re outside then, I think that’s the biggest motivation for one to learn English

I’m also glad to know that you’re on the same line with me considering English as fun and easy to learn.
Truly willing to see other interactions from the girls here and yours was an interesting one to read.

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