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What was the last book you’ve read? 2024.

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What was the last book you’ve read?

Hello everybody, my name is Weird Psychopath and I’m new here.
Since I love reading, I’ve decided to write a post, about reading!
So all you have to do is write about the last book you’ve read, and explain your view on the novel (without spoilers, because if your post contains any spoilers… I’ll chop your head off. Literally)
So yeah, let’s begin!

"Trust me" two powerful words that changed a whole life…
Dulcie, a young cheerful girl who was living with her parents and her adorable sister. However, when their father tragically killed their own mother and was sent to jail, everything began to shatter.
They were shipped to Australia, thinking that they would have a "perfect life" there. Life betrayed her and her sister. Whenever someone told Dulcie "Trust me" they do the opposite…

Personally, I liked this book. It was such a beautiful book written beautifully…
The writing style was good (third person point of view).
Dulcie suffered a lot as a child and she was brave enough to fight her own problems by herself.
The characters were a little bit… cruel. Yes, cruel would be the right word for it, they were merciless.
The book was too long ( 700 pages), so if you don’t like big books, i don’t recommend it to you.
I give it 4/5

What was the last book you’ve read?

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