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تعالو ندخل ونحكي بالانجلش حصري 2024.

تعالو ندخل ونحكي بالانجلش حصري

مرحبا اعضاءنا الامامير بقسم الانجلش
اليوم اجتني فكره خصوصا انا اقبلنا على الشتاء
وانتو عارفين الملل شويه ورح يزورنا
الفكره انه نحكي ونشرح لبعض بس باللغه ال انجلش
يعني ولا حرف عربي الا شرح موضوعي
وياللي ما بدو يتعلم الانجلش
خلص ما يدخل مش رح نزعل منه
لكن يلا خلينا نستفيد

The leeson 1 is verey esey ……

waht your name how are you beby ??

how are you
iam Buthainah
iam fine and you
how are you
Welcome Beck jewel Iraq and Bnoth Riyadh
I love your idea
what a such great idea

^^ this is zikra
I am so-so ,but alhamdulillah
I live in medina

dear I have something as a suggestion if you would like. I was thinking of make topic of names of lessons from the starter level until the intermediate level * we can make more* and each member come wanna learn english she should take responsibility one lesson and explain it for all the members in another topic holding inside her lesson and homework for the learner .. this is will be as a school and lets us keep this language and make it more easy to use . and as you know there is a lot of exams online we can make in each end of month exam all the members should take the exam *if they want keep learn* they should take it and take picture for the result and put it in the topic to know our levels and the different after each exam we take.
of course it will be for ourself not anything else ,, also each country have a exam that give us a certificate of pass if we do well in the exam it will be such a big success.
the reason I am telling that is, I used to be not following my topic or check it *this is my biggest problem*. so, what I am saying is I am really can’t doing this alone so if you would like this you can do it and I will help you inshallah as much as I can . you now mashallah start a topic if you love it you can make here.

thank you for given me this chance


فكرة جميله احببت هذا الموضوع
لاني لااجيد الانجليزيه جيداً سيكون لدي بعض الاخطاء
من الان سابداء بالكتابه بالانجليزي

Nice idea like the subject
hello how are you,
I’m shaza
I love you Mriom Thank you very much

I was waiting Jawhara to hear her answer
but she didn’t come yet , so
shaza let’s talk until she is come

?how old are you

?and where do you live

? what is your job

? do you have deam , what is it

Hahahaha it is a lot of question you can ask me also what you like to know
of course

Hello dear
I am 15 years and live in America
I do not work still demanded
I did not understand the last question

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