3arab -همس القوافي 2024.


احذروا شر فتنة
مندس متلبس
قد دنا واقترب
على حدود مشارف
تقمص الاستشراق
على ابوابك
هذا نبي صلب
وذاك احساسه كبريائه سلب
احكم الحصار
بني الجدار
على جبين بطل التطبيع
وسمة عار
غدنا الاجمل
واسلامنا يكبر
وكل يوم انتصار
احذروا شر فتنة

nedal janob sahra

حياك الله بيننا ,,,,

نقل رائع عزيزتي’’’’

نورتي همس القوافي بمشاركتك,,,,

ننتظر جديدك ,,,,,

دمتي بود,,,,

achkoroki 3ala rad lhilow wa intadiri lmazid bihawli lah ta3ala
تسلمينٍُ يآإ آلغ‘ـلآٍُ
يع‘ـطيكٍُ ع‘ـآآآفيهٍُ
مآإننح‘ـرمٍُ منٍُ جْ ـديدكٍُ..

You Know You’re an Arab When . 2024.

You Know You’re an Arab When…..


You Know You’re an Arab When…..

You call all your dad’s friends: am-mo

You have an oriental rug in every room

You have an endless supply of pistachios, dates, pumpkin or watermellon seeds

You actually like yogurt drink

you either tip 2%, 5% but never the actual 15%

Your parents say you’re becoming Americanized anytime you get into trouble

You hug and kiss relatives you have never seen before in your life

You curse at your teachers or strangers in Arabic

You flip out when someone mistakes you for a
Mexican or Indian

You can spot an Arab a mile away and they have
spotted you because they keep staring

You have Thanksgiving dinner with rice and "bamiyah" (okra

After a family meal, the women fight to the death over who should wash the dishes while the men sit on their behinds and discuss politics, waiting for their tea

You walk down a street with Arab stores and you are trying to eavesdrop on others arabic conversations

Your parents want you to become a doctor or engineer

You use your forehead and eyebrows to point something out

Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if you’re in the next room

You have at least thirty cousins

You have told your kids not to walk the floor
barefoot or they’ll catch a cold

You arrive one or two hours late to a party and think it’s normal. …all Arabs are late- all the time

You are standing next to the largest suitcases at the airport

You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone’s house

You say bye 17 times on the phone

When your parents meet strangers and talk for few minutes, you discover they know one of your uncles back home

Your parents don’t realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance calls

Your mother has a minor disagreement with her (or
your dad’s) sister and doesn’t talk to her for ten years

You hide everything from your parents

Your mother does everything for you if you are male

You do all the housework and ********ing if you are female

Your relatives alone could populate a small city

Everyone is a family friend

You went to a university as far away from home as possible

You still come back home to live with your parents
after you graduate

You teach Westerners swear words in Arabic

You always say "open the light" instead of "turn
the light on"

You’re walking out of customs at the airport and you
see at least twenty-five members of your family who have come to pick you up

You go back to your parents’ country and people treat you like a member of…the royal family

Your parents drink 6 cups of tea/arabic coffee a day

You’ve had a shoe thrown at you by your mother


Don’t Believe … I’m Kidding خليجية


You hide everything from your parents
You went to a university as far away from home as possible

u r not kidding

they r true

thanx banoota

thanx assoom for your lovely passin

You use your forehead and eyebrows to point something out

Your relatives alone could populate a small city

Thank you dear

It’s a little harsh

but true and funny


I like it

?. is it quoted

thanx Shomoo5 For your lovely passin dear

I’m glad the you liked it

but as you said it’s just for fun

is it quoted


but I forgot to write down he he he

thank you … it’s fuNNy
u right my sis in many thinks
jazak ALLAH khayr
i realy like what u wrot

حياتي و Arab Idol 2024.

حياتي و Arab Idol

السلام عليكم

اولا انا ارجو من الأدارة ينزلون مشكلتي اررررجووكم

مشكلتي غريبه و ما لها حل

بنااات انا معجبه ب متقدمي البرنامج ارب ايدول حسن الشافعي

اكيد الكل يعرف حسن الشافعي

بس ولالله انا واصله حد الجنون هذا الشخص مأثرة فيني كتييير و راح اطققققق

و بمووووت من القهر لأنه اعرف انا اخووون زوجييي

ا ه اه يابنات والله انا في هممممم ارجوكم ادعولي بالهدايه ارررجوكم

ارجوكم ادعولي لحتي انسي هذا الشخص و اطلعه من حياتي نهائيييا

ارررجوكم انزلوو موضوعييييي اررجوووكم


ﻻ اله اﻻ الله
قسم بالله مادري ايش خليتي للمرهقات والبنات الصغيره بالعمر
أختي من جدك معجبه ومفتونه بشخصيه تلفزيونيه واحد مايدري انك موجوده على
الدنيا فعلا شر البلية مايضحك وين عقلك وين تفكيرك لهدرجه وصلت السخافة
في بعض الحريم لو مراهقه بقول بكرا تكبر وتعقل انتي شقول عنك ومتزوجة بعد
ويمكن ام وعندك اطفال أختي الظاهر عندك وقت كثير وماتدرين شتسوين فيه
نصيحه بلا برامج تافه واشغلي وقتك بشي يفيدك ويفيد بيتك وزوجك وأولادك
وتقول أدعو لي أنساه من جد حسستني أنه بينكم حب وارتباط هههههههه
(اهل العقول في راحه )
الله يهديك
ويصلح أمرك عن هالتفاهات
لاحول ولاقوة ألابالله
لاتهدمي حياتك أختي
وصلي على النبي
وابعدي عن مشاهدة البرنامج نهائيا
استغفري ربك كثير
وصلي صلاة الليل وأهم شيء ان تعزمي انك حتنسي هذا الشيء
وانك أقوى من كذا
الله يصلحك ويهديك
وكلي امرك على ربك وأدعي كثير واتعوذي من ابليس كل ماجاك التفكيربه
وضروري انك تقتنعين داخليلا انك متزوجة
واخذتي قسمك ونصيبك من الدنيا
وأنه كله الي فيك من وسوسة الشيطان
اعوذ بالله منـــه
عجباااااااااااا ومتزوجـــــــــــــــــــــــــــة..؟؟
شنقول نحنا العازبات ومايهمونا الأشخاص اللي في التليفزيون
أعوذ بالله من غضب الله
اقطعي علاااااااااقتك نهائيا بالتليفزيون والله هادي تسمى الخيااااااااااااااانة
الله يهدينا و يهديك اختي
حبيبتي ركزي مع زوجك و خليك من هالاوهام ..
ههههههههههههههههههه والله فى الاول افتكرتك مراهقة انسيه ده متجوز ولسه عريس مافيش شهر ههههههههه يابنتى اعدى عن البرامج دى مش هتاخدى منها غير الذنوب
اللهم لاتحاسبنا بما فعل السفهاء منا

TV and the Arab World?????? 2024.

TV and the Arab World??????

salam everybody
the topic that i propose today is very important i guess.
i hope that i will find nice disscussion from all of you.
The question that is burnning in my mind is the following:
Do we watch TV or do we see it????????
actually,i believe that most of us look at TV without ever seeing it.we seem to measure our time by what’s on and when does it start.But few of us think about what it is that we look at.
and consequently they form no critical view. The result of course is that we are easily manipulated by TV.
TV is all around us,and what surrounds us may have an effect in some manner.
The way out is to become critics of what we see, a suggestion that is far more rewarding than it might sound. The same suggestion is made by Michael Novak:

Prime-time television is worthy of a serious critical effort.
If one watches a show, and tries to criticize it afterwards,
the effort bears fruit; and the shows bear scrutiny. The
television camera is a very rich instrument of creativity,
and the power of its impressions, even when the subject
matter is prosaic, it is quite remarkable.

Now we should try to srcutenize what we watch,i’d rather say we should see TV not watch it.
siham sweetheart.خليجية

tank you siham