مطلوب مدرسة او مدرس موسيقى بجدة !!! i want a music teacher in jeddah city نسائية 2024.

مطلوب مدرسة او مدرس موسيقى بجدة !!! i want a music teacher in jeddah city

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ابغا مدرسة او مدرس موسيقى الان في الاجازة الصيفية يدرسني انا واخوي و بنت خالتي كلاسيك جيتار او بيانو اورغ

بالسعر الي يبيه اذا انت مدرس موسيقى ارسلي رسالة خاصة .

Please i want a music teacher in the summer vacation … i want to improve my skill ! me and my bro and my causin
if you are a music teacher please send me a massege >

استغفر الله الموسيقى حراااااااااااااااام
السلام عليكم .. ياأختي فيه لو حضرتك جاده ومهتمه ياريت تبعتي تعليقاتك على الايميل التالي rain.taher@gmail.com

وشكرا الف شكر وتقبلي مروري

انا مدرس موسيقى محترف اورج وبيانو من مصر تلفونى 01116379933
انا مدرسة موسيقى بجدة للتواصل على الخاص او على الايميل f1533@live.com
انا مدرسة موسيقى بجدة للتواصل على الخاص او على الايميل f1533@live.com
الموسيقى محرمة والفلوس اللي بتنفقينها وبتعطينها لمدرس/ة الموسيقى يعتبر مال حرااام وحتى الوقت اللي بتضيعينه ف تعليم الموسيقى والغناء بتسألين عنه يوم القيامة ( وعن شبابه في ما أبلاه، وعن ماله من اين اكتسبه وفيما انفقه) < نص من حديث (لا تزول قدما عبد ….)
استغلي فراغك ف حفظ القران والأشياء الدينية والمفيدة
هداك الله

غرفة من City w بقيمة 15000 ريال لبيع بسعر مغريجدا 2024.

غرفة من City w بقيمة 15000 ريال لبيع بسعر مغريجدا

عندي غرفة من City w بقيمة 15000 ريال لبيع بسعر مغري جدا والجادة ترسلي علي الخاص
وعمر الغرفه اربع سنوات وبحاله ممتازة
وايطاليه وفيها مميزات كثيرة منها مخزن تحت السرير وإضاءة مخفيه وبكرة بنزل الصور

city & crime تعلم انجليزية 2024.

city & crime

Crime in the city of Clio hit a 30-year low last year. "This is absolutely wonderful for our citizens, our businesses, and our visitors," said Police Chief Louis Gates. Clio has a population of 28,000, but it has at least 30 gangs. The gangs make most of their money from dealing drugs and offering “protection.” They also commit violent crimes, such as murder, battery, and rape.

There were 1,486 thefts last year. Most of the thefts involved cars. Thieves also robbed the people at gunpoint or pickpocketed them. They broke into houses and businesses at the alarming rate of two a day two years ago, but that rate was down to only one a day last year. "That’s a 50-percent decrease in one year," beamed Gates. "I think the officers deserve a big pat on the back. Even better, maybe they’ll get that 10-percent raise that they are all hoping for next fiscal year."

Citing an example of how the police force has helped reduce crime, Gates talked about bicycle thefts. "For years and years, kids were locking up their bikes at bike stands in front of schools, libraries, and malls. About 10 percent of the time, the kids would come out of the school or wherever and discover that their bike was no longer there. Someone had cut the lock and stolen their bike. We wracked our brains trying to find a solution to this problem. Finally, at the beginning of last year, we hit upon it. We simply removed most of the bike stands. Then the bicycle theft rate came down quickly.”

Most cities in the state have similar problems. They all involve too many people, too much crime, too few police, and too little funding. These problems are part and parcel of civilization everywhere. They might diminish, but they will probably never disappear. All people can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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