complete each conditional sentence 2024.

complete each conditional sentence

complete each conditional sentence

1.If the weather is bad this weekend———-

2.If———-I‘ll go out to eat tonight.

3.If I found your wallet———-

4.If———-I always call home.

5.If I had a new car———-

1. ;If the weather is bad this weekend i will stay at home

2.If my friend comes now; I‘ll go out to eat tonight.

3.If I found your wallet ;i would buy you a gift with the money in it

4.If i knew you will be at home; I’ll always call home.

5.If I had a new car; i would go on a trip to the coast

thank you a lot

Complete each unreal conditional sentence with the correct form of the verb. 2024.

Complete each unreal conditional sentence with the correct form of the verb.

Complete each unreal conditional sentence with the correct form of the verb.

1.If I—-(have)tickets I—-(go)to the concert at the mall.

2.If his father—-(get)angry he—-(take)off the earrings.

3.If the check—-(be)not correct she—-(not pay)it.

4.If they—-(receive)the wrong package they—-(call)the mail order company.

5.If I—-(know)the ***t place to get my ears pierced I—-(go)there.

في الرقم 5 مكان ***كلمة بيست(افضل)
ما بعرف ليش ما طلعت
1.If I had tickets I would have gone to the concert at the mall.

2.If his father got angry he would take off the earrings.

3.If the check was not correct she wouldn’t pay it.

4.If they had received the wrong package they would have called the mail order company.

5.If I knew the b e s t place to get my ears pierced I i would have gone there.

thanks for you remas

complete the letter.use gerunds and infinitives. -انجليزي 2024.

complete the letter.use gerunds and infinitives.

complete the letter.use gerunds and infinitives.
remember to put the verb in the correct tense.

Hi rebecca:
well i finally made a change!last week i saidto myself
i ——–(cant stand/look)at our old kitchen walls one
more day!so I——(decide/repaint)them
ay roommate Sara said we should——-(discuss/make)a plan
before we do it.she even——(suggest/take)
a month or two to think about it.she said we should——
(practice/paint)first but I already know how to paint.
I dont————-(need/learn).Anyway I———(not mind/try)new
things.Finally we——(choose/give)the kitchen a cheerful color-
bright yellow!Im not sure but Sara——(not seem/like)the new color
in fact I dont think she——(enjoy/paint)but I hope she doer because
I——–(plan/paint)the living room next.I———
(would like/paint)it fuchsia.

Hi rebecca:
well i finally made a change!last week i saidto myself
i can’t stand looking at our old kitchen walls one
more day!so I decided to repaint them
ay roommate Sara said we should disciss making a plan
before we do it.she even ) suggested taking
a month or two to think about it.she said we should( particippat in painting first but I already know how to paint.
I dont any need learniing .Anyway Idon’t mind trying new
things.Finally wehave choosen to give the kitchen a cheerful color-
bright yellow!Im not sure but Sara does not seem to like the new color
in fact I dont think she is enjoying painiting but I hope she doer because
I planned to paint the living room next i would like to paint it fuchsia.

و آسفة حبيبتي مرة تانيه على التأخير,,,,

و اي شي تاني أنا جاهزة,,,

تحياتي ياغاليه,,,

و الله مستحية منك حبيبتي

complete dress for you -شيك 2024.

complete dress for you

احلى مساء الخير
او صباح الخير كل واحدة على حسب توقيتها
المهم اليوم جايبالكم تشكيلة وكل واحدة تختار لبسة الها
وتفضلوا:016: :016:
بس يا صبايا وحدة وحدة






شو رأيكم؟؟؟

thanx ام عيسـى
روعه والله يعطيك العافيه
انا خترت الاصفر واايد حلو مشكوره اختي بس ها تري ماحد ينقيه انا الي اخترته اول
والله والله ذوق وجنننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننننان كلك ذوق ياام عيسى


نايس .. مشكوره حبيبتي على المجهود الكيـــــــوت

روووووووووووووووووعه كلك ذوق
كل الحلا..
همس الانين
ام البتول الحلوة
girl rock
ام انس

اشكركم من اعماق قلبي على اطلالتكم
ومروركم الجميل
الذي اضفى جمالا
لامثيل له
لكم كل الحب والمودة

Complete each sentence with an affirmative or negative gerund. 2024.

Complete each sentence with an affirmative or negative gerund.

Complete each sentence with an affirmative or negative gerund. should start——–(exercise)every day if you want to
lose weight.

2.Sue was worried about——(have)enough money to pay her bills.

3.When will you finish——(work)on that project?

4.Avoid——(use)a cell phone while you re driving.

5.Stella and I have considered——-(buy)a new car.

6.I apologize for—–(tell)you that Id be late.

7.Jeff really dislikes—–(talk)to strangers.

8.A good way to learn English is to practice—–(write)
a diary in English.

9.I believe in—–(eat)fatty foods.

اسفة لاني بزعجكم
بس خلاص ما عاد بدي مساعدة should start exercising every day if you want to
lose weight.

2.Sue was worried about——(have)enough money to pay her bills.

3.When will you finish working on that project?

4.Avoid using a cell phone while you re driving.

5.Stella and I have considered buying a new car.

6.I apologize for not telling you that Id be late.

7.Jeff really dislikes talking to strangers.

8.A good way to learn English is to practice writing)
a diary in English.

9.I believe in—–(eat)fatty foods

و آسفة على التأخير,,,
و لو فيه أي شي حبيبتي أنا جاهزة,,,,

تحياتي لكِـ,,,,

و الله اسفة و بعتذر منك
لاني ما قدرت تعبك معي

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adjective in parenthesese. تعلم انجليزية 2024.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adjective in parenthesese.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the adjective in parenthesese.

1.I shop online for computer products Its much—–(easy)than going to a computer store.

2.Of all the printers in the store the R100 is definitely the—–(quite)

3.This is the—–(romantic)movie Ive ever seen

4.Jessicas oil paintings are gorgeous Her pencil drawings are just as—–(charming)

5.The Bax monitor is not big enough I need something even—–(big)

6.The traffic on my way to work was very slow Luckily the traffic on my way home was not

as nearly as—–(bad)

7.We have never had a—–(exciting)vacation than this one

Rewrite the factual conditional sentence in the unreal conditional use the

true statements in parenthesese to help you

1.If she has time she will read more(she doesnt have time)


2.If I need to lose weight Ill avoid fatty foods(I dont need to lose weight)


1.I shop online for computer products Its much easier than going to a computer store.

2.Of all the printers in the store the R100 is definitely the most quite
3.This is the most romantic movie Ive ever seen

4.Jessicas oil paintings are gorgeous Her pencil drawings are just as much as charming

5.The Bax monitor is not big enough I need something even bigger

6.The traffic on my way to work was very slow Luckily the traffic on my way home was not

that bad

7.We have never had a more exciting vacation than this one

Rewrite the factual conditional sentence in the unreal conditional use the

true statements in parenthesese to help you

1.If she has time she will read more(she doesnt have time)

she doesn’t have time to read more

2.If I need to lose weight Ill avoid fatty foods(I dont need to lose weight)

i won’t avoid fatty food; because i don’t have to loose weight

يسلمو يا حبيبتي
no ads here please
thank you so much,,


no ads here please
no ads here please

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual 2024.

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual

Choose the correct form to complete each present of future factual

conditional sentence.
أنا جربت أحل و اللي كتبته بعد كل جملة

1.If they——(like/will like)the musical they——(see/will see)it

again tomorrow.

like*will see

2.If Fernando——(watched/watches)comedies he——(laughed/laughes)

a lot.

3.If you——(buy/will buy)some ice cream I——(help/will help)you

eat it.

buy*will help

4.If I——(wont/dont)fall asleep I usually——(get/got)a lot of

work done.

5.——(will you travel/do you travel)to England If your boss——

(needs/will need)you there next month?

6.Always——(wear/wore)your seat belt if you——(want/will want)

to be safe.


7.I——(didnt got/wont got)a tattoo if my parents——(tell/told)

me not to.

wont get*want

8.If I——(ask/will ask)my mother for permission she——(say/will say)no

ask*will say

9.If I——(travel/will travel)far I always——(fly/flew)

will travel*fly

watches/ laughes

don’t/ get

will/ needs

wear/ want

i won’t get/ told

واللي ماجاوبت لك عليهم إنتي جاوبتي عليهم و جوابك صح عيوني,,,,

يسلمو و الله عذبتك معي

تجربتى مع زيت " complete " 2024.

تجربتى مع زيت " complete "

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أزيكم يابنات المنتدى
أنا مش هطول عليكم . طبعاً كلنا بنعانى من مشاكل الشعر المجهد والمقصف والضعيف والله يابنات أنا أستخدمت كتيييييييييير خلاطات وزيوت وأمبولات وكبسولات ومن كام شهر كده صحبتى قالتلى على زيت أسمه " كومبليت complete " خليجية
وأستخدمته والله أنى بدعلها كل ما أشوف شعرى فى المرايا
خليجية ودى النشرة الداخليه للزيت :
كومبليت منتج طبيعى يحتوى على أحدث المواد الفعالة فى القضاء على مشاكل الشعر .
كومبليت لا يحتوى على أى هرمونات أو أى مواد كيميائية ضارة فهو منتج طبيعى وآمن .
يحتوى مستحضر كومبليت على :
زيت الأميو : وهو أحدث زيت طبيعى تم أكتشافه . له دور فى القضاء على مشاكل الشعر حيث يحتوى على العديد من الأحماض الدهنية المماثلة للتركيب الطبيعى لفروة الرأس مما يتيح لبصيلة الشعر الإستفادة التامة من مكونات زيت الأميو .
يعمل زيت الأميو على تغذية بصيلات الشعر بما يحتويه من أحماض دهنية هامه وفيتامينات حتى يتمكن من تصنيع الكيراتين اللازم لنمو الشعر من جديد مما يؤدى إلى كثافة وطول الشعر .
زيت الأميو لا يسد مسام فروة الرأس فلا يسبب أى مشاكل لفروة الرأس .
يحتوى مستحضر كومبليت على زيوت طبيعية مثل :
زيت جنين القمح – زيت الزيتون – زيت السمسم – وهى مفيدة لتغذية بصيلات الشعر بما تحتويه من أحماض دهنية وأحماض أمينية والكالسيوم والنحاس والحديد والزنك والماغنسيوم والفيتامينات مثب ( أ ) وفيتامين ( هـ ) .
يحتوى مستحضر كومبليت على ماده Butyl hydroxy anisol وهى مادة مضادة للأكسدة تحمى الخلايا من التلف لتستطيع أداء مهمتها الطبيعية فى أنبات الشعر .

الزيت هتلاقوا فى الصيدليات الكبيرة
وعلى فكرة سعره مش غالى خالص

وياريت اللى تجرب الزيت متنساش تدعيلى

يسلمووو يالغلا … طرح رائــع وذووق

بإنتظــار جديدك المميـز بكل شوووق

بالتوفيق عزيزتي

يجرب شكراخليجيةخليجيةخليجية
الله يرزقك ياحي ياقيوم عاجلا غير اجلا الذريه الصالحه التامه ياارب العالمين وبنات المسلمين اجمعين
يعطيك العافيه حبيبتي

طرح موفق … بأنتظار مواضيعك المميزه والمفيده

دمتي بود

لو ماعليكي آمــــــر
ممكن تنزلي صورته
بحيث تعم الفايدة ع الجميــــــــــــع
باارك الله فيك

حندور عليه أكيد

complete each negative yes/no question. 2024.

complete each negative yes/no question.

complete each negative yes/no question.

A:didnt you go to latvia?
b:yes i did i went i went to latvia in August.

B:no i dont i never toch meat.

A:———————–a doctor?
B:no shes not Davids mother is a dentist.

A:——————————-a wonderful play?
B:yes it was terrific.

A:———————some more noodles?
B:no thanks im full Ive had enough.

A:——————chaina before?
B:actually no Ive been to Japan.

و الله ما عرفت احلهم رح جن

انا جربت احل

A:dont you like meat?
B:no I dont Inever toch meat.

A:Isnt Davids mother a doctor?
B:no shes not Davids mother is a dentist.

A:havent you visited ********** before?
B:actually no Ive been to Japan.

بس بليز بدي مساعدة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هلا حبيبتي,,,

complete each negative yes/no question.

A:didnt you go to latvia?
b:yes i did i went i went to latvia in August.

A:do u ever toch meat?
B:no i dont i never toch meat.

A:is david’s mother a doctor?
B:no shes not Davids mother is a dentist.

A : it was a a wonderful play; wasn’t it??
B:yes it was terrific.

A:do u want some more noodles?
B:no thanks im full Ive had enough.

A: have u ever been to chaina before?
B:actually no Ive been to Japan.

بسم الله عليكي من الجنان,,,

تقبلي مروري,,, و لو فيه أي شي تاني أنا جاهزة,,,

من عيوني ياغاليه,,,

شكرا حبيبتي و الله خجلتيني بلطفك
لا عادي حبيبتي,,, إنتي أختي,,,

و أنا إن شاء الله جاهزة,,,

تقبلي مروري ياغاليه,,,,

تحياتي لكِـ,,,,

معليش حبيبتي في سؤال تاني

fill in the blancks to make negative yes/no questions.then use the
information in parentheses to answer the questions with a short answer.

1.A:——-you have a vegetarian friend?
(none of my friends are vegetarian)

انا جربت احلها
A:dont you
B:no I dont

2.A:——you trying to lose weight?
(Im on a diet)

3.A:——he like spicy food?
(he hates spicy food)

كمان جربت احلها
A:Isnt he
B:no he isnt

4.A:—–there sardines on that pizza?
(the pizza has sardine on it)

5.A:—-sandra allergic to fish?
(she doesnt have any problem eating fish)

و الله عن جد خجلت من كتر هالاسئلة بس شو بعمل

Unscramble the words and phrases to complete the conversations. تعلم انجليزية 2024.

Unscramble the words and phrases to complete the conversations.

Unscramble the words and phrases to complete the conversations.
use a geround or an infinitive.

1.A:John cant stand thinking about graduation.
B:I know ——————–
(he/leave/hates/his friends)

B:Fine by me.—————
(dont mind/go/I/out to eat)

(buy/discussed/have/you and Peter/a house)
(find/we/would like/something bigger)

(tonight/you/I/see/didnt expect)
(at the last minute/I/decided/come)

ما حدا بيساعدني خلاص
1.A:John cant stand thinking about graduation.
B:I know he hates leaving his friends
(he/leave/hates/his friends)

2.A:i refuse to make dinner tonight
B:Fine by me.i don’t mind going out to eat
(dont mind/go/I/out to eat)

3.A you and petter have discussed buying a house
(buy/discussed/have/you and Peter/a house)
B:yes.we would like to find sth bigger
(find/we/would like/something bigger)

4.A:i didn’t expect to see u tonight
(tonight/you/I/see/didnt expect)
B:well,i decided to come at the last minute

(at the last minute/I/decided/come)

يسلمو حبيبتي
عن جد اسفة كنت معصبة
يسلمو كتير
ولا يهمك حبيبتي,,, و أنا مقدرة ضغط الإمتحانات,,,,

ربي يوفقك و يسهل أمورك يا رب,,,, و تنجحي و تكوني الأولى إنشالله,,,,

و لو فيه أي شي تاني أنا جاهزة,,,

تحياتي لكِـ,,,,,

شكرا حبيبتي