Welcome Ramadan رمضـــــان~¦♦¦~ بعيون أجنبية 2024.

Welcome Ramadan رمضـــــان~¦♦¦~ بعيون أجنبية


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

{ يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام
كما كُتِبَ عَلَى الذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ }
البقرة – 183- 184

أحبتى فى الله


كل عام وانتم بخير جميعا و جميع المسلمين فى الأرض
قاطبةً، وكل عام والجميع إلى الله أقرب

هي فكرة راقت لي أحببت أن أنقلها هنـــــــــــآ
في هذا الاطار و في هذا الموضوع الذي هو منكم و اليكم

سنحاول وضع كل ما يتعلق خليجيةبالشهر الفضيلخليجية من تعاريف فتاوي تهاني نقاش

رسائل تهنئة بطاقات و تواقيع …الخ شرط أن يكون الطرح باللغة الانجليزية و يمكن

الترجمة باللغة العربية

و أكيد هناك مفاجآت لمن ستشارك معنا في نهاية الشهر الفضيل

ما هو رمضان؟؟

لو سألك أجنبي غير مسلم ,, أو حديث الاسلام ,, ما هو رمضان وما هو الصيام ؟؟

بماذا تجيب؟؟

رمضان بالانجليزية

Every year in the month of Ramada-n, all Muslims
fast from dawn until
sundown–abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations with their

Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are
menstruating, pregnant or nursing, are permitted to break the fast and
make up an equal number of days later in the year if they are healthy and
,able. Children begin to fast (and to observe prayers) from puberty
.although many start earlier

Although fasting is beneficial to health, it is mainly a method of
self-purification and self-restraint. By cutting oneself from worldly
comforts, even for a short time, a fasting person focuses on his or her
purpose in life by constantly being aware of the presence of God. God
states in the Qur’an: "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you
as it was prescribed to those before you that you may learn
(self-restraint." (Qur’an 2:183

?What is Ramadhan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim year which follows a lunar
calendar. Each month begins with a sighting of the moon’s crescent and
lasts 29 or 30 days until a sighting of the next month’s crescent.
The month of Ramadan commemorates the days when the Angel Gabriel
imparted the wisdom of the Koran, Islam’s holy book, to the Prophet
It is during this month that Muslims fast. It is called the Fast of
,Ramadan and lasts the entire month. According to Sharia, or Islamic law
,all adult Muslims must fast during the holy month. Only the sick
pregnant and nursing women, and travelers are exempt. This makes the
fasting a worldwide phenomenon observed by the devoted among the world’s
.one billion Muslims as one international community

During the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily
.lives. Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours
Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. At the
end of the day the fast is broken with a meal called the Iftar. The
,fasting person must abstain from lying, cheating, argumentation
fighting, foul ******** and every sort of evil. These are considered
.offensive at all times, but are most offensive during the Fast of Ramadan

During Ramadan, Muslims continue with their prayers five times a day, but
after the night prayer is performed, a special prayer called Taraweeh is
performed. This is a voluntary prayer that consists of reading the Quran
during the time of Ramadan. The length of this prayer is usually 2-3
times as long as the daily prayers. In many mosques the whole Quran is
read during Taraweeh prayers over the month. In some mosques it is read
.several times

When Ramadan arrives, everybody congratulates his neighbors and
relatives. You can see the happiness all over.
.(People start to prepare for Sohour (a very late meal before sun raise
Mostly Sohour contains Foul (Fava Beans), cheese, yogurt and bread. After
Sohour some people wait until they pray Fajar then they go to work or go
to sleep


Questions and answers about Ramadan

أسئلة وأجوبة عن رمضان

Q: Who Must Fast?

Fasting is compulsory for those who are mentally and physically fit, past the age of puberty, in a settled situation (not travelling), and are sure fasting is unlikely to cause real physical or mental injury.

Q. Why do Muslims fast?

Fasting is common in many religions. The Quran, the reveled ******** in Islam, says in chapter 2 verse 183, "O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those who were before you, in order that you may learn piety and God Consciousness".

Q: Are there any exemptions from fasting?
Some of these exemptions are optional.

Children under the age of puberty (Young children are encouraged to fast as much as they are able.)
People who are mentally incapacitated or not responsible for their actions
The elderly
The sick
Travelers who are on journeys of more than about fifty miles
Pregnant women and nursing mothers
Women who are menstruating
Those who are temporarily unable to fast must make up the missed days at another time or feed the poor.

Q: Is fasting just about not eating and drinking during daylight hours?

Despite what many may think Ramadan is just not about restraining from food and drink. Muslims must also refrain from things such as verbal abuse, fighting, eavesdropping, backbiting, lying and slander as these acts render the fast as worthless. In essence Muslims must be model human beings during the fast. The act of abstinence is not meant to starve you; it is an act of worship like prayer. It enables people with plenty to empathize with those who have very little in this world.

Q: What do Muslims believe they gain from fasting?
One of the main benefits of Ramadan is an increased compassion for those in need of the necessities of life, a sense of self-purification and reflection and a renewed focus on spirituality. Muslims also appreciate the feeling of togetherness shared by family and friends throughout the month. Perhaps the greatest practical benefit is the yearly lesson in self-restraint and discipline that can carry forward to other aspects of a Muslim’s life such as work and education.

Q: Why does Ramadan begin on a different day each year?
Because Ramadan is a lunar month, it begins about eleven days earlier each year. Throughout a Muslim’s lifetime, Ramadan will fall both during winter months, when the days are short, and summer months, when the days are long and the fast is more difficult. In this way, the difficulty of the fast is evenly distributed between Muslims living in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Q: How can non-Muslim co-workers and friends help someone who is fasting?
Employers, co-workers and teachers can help by understanding the significance of Ramadan and by showing a willingness to make minor allowances for its physical demands. Special consideration can be given to such things as requests for vacation time, the need for flexible early morning or evening work schedules and lighter homework assignments. It is also very important that Muslim workers and students be given time to attend Eid prayers at the end of Ramadan. Eid is as important to Muslims as Christmas and Yom Kippur are to Christians and Jews. A small token such as a card (there are Eid cards available from Muslim bookstores) or baked goods given to a Muslim co-worker during Eid ul-Fitr would also be greatly appreciated. Hospital workers should be aware that injections and oral medications might break the fast. Patients should be given the opportunity to decide whether or not their condition exempts them from fasting.

Q: Do people normally lose weight during Ramadan?

Some people do lose weight, but others may not. It is recommended that meals eaten during Ramadan be light, but most people can’t resist sampling special sweets and foods associated with Ramadan.

Q. Isn’t it difficult to stay without water?
Abstinence from water for a few hours during the day has not been shown to be adverse to health. The body has its own water conservation mechanism. According to some studies a person can survive for 4 to 7 days without any water in 90o F / 32.2o C temperature.

Q: What happens at the end of Ramadan?
The end of Ramadan is celebrated by the Festival of Eid ul-Fitr ("Festival of Fast-Breaking") and special prayers at the end of Ramadan. Eid begins with special morning prayers on the first day of Shawwal, the month following Ramadan on the Islamic lunar calendar. It is forbidden to perform an optional fast during Eid because it is a time for relaxation. During Eid Muslims greet each other with the phrase "taqabbalallah ta’atakum," or "may God accept your deeds" and "Eid Mubarak" (eed-moo-bar-ak), meaning "blessed Eid."

همسة :

أخي المسلم .. إعلم .. أن هناك الكثير من غير المسلمين لايعلمون شيئاً عن ديننا الحنيف .. فليكن هذا الموضوع من الهدايا التي تقدمها لهم لعل الله أن يهديهم

مسجات رمضانية بالانجليزية


Your Excellency
And you never increase
Approached month of worship
Asak of Awadh

Lord delights, Mr. everyone
Every Ramadan Eid joy
And special congratulations to you before everyone*******

Fragrance and leave us Musk and Lute
Ramadan us and you back
The month of goodness and generosity and the generosity
Congratulations to you from the heart and Dodd

Our wishes precede congratulations
The joy of the preceding nights
Mubarak month you and us


The reader letter Ramadan
The Make Ishi
Well amid the heavens*******

Naseem compassion
Abir and Forgiveness
Before Jostle
I say every year, you well

God reached Ramadan
Anna and the fasting
And reading the Koran


In my heart Ahtick ….
And congratulations Khasik ….
The people Agletk ….
The imminent entry of Ramadan Hennick


Arslkam sweetest 63
Loaded with me Alqublatt
Impress on Alojnat
The Nhnikm imminent Ramadan*******

Ahnik Oh precious human beings
The advent of the nicest month
The Adaelk Tsoumeh smoothly
And you easily hardship*******

Sigh and Chovoa Moon
Ramadan Are you human beings
Bensom sweetest month
We ask God ease


Ole mercy
The central Forgiveness
And so the burden of fire
Be sure to observing


Days and ends Shaaban
The Eptdi after Ramadan
Folk and finished off my man
To do good and seal the Koran

Every year you of the earliest


I wish I would be the first person
Send recorded another Shaaban
Ihnik imminent Ramadan
And every year tells you safely*******

Do not forget, God said
Fasting and the Masjid
The multiplication of doing good
Reading the Quran
Sender: Ramadan
God save in Ramadan
To do good you Rehman
And further humiliated him
Pleased living safely*******

Before all the people
Arslk recorded the whole feeling
Ihnik advent of Ramadan
Oh precious and dearest


Allah Noor enlightening than Halojeh
The solution gives the aspens
Ramadan, saying he was pleased*******

Then colors and fragrances of roses
Send you answer, entitled
The advent of Ramadan and Ahnik days*******

Sweetest of the Moon ..
The fragrances and flowers ..
With Kart .. Says
Ramadan Mubarak before all human beings


Probably Ramadank Mubarak ..
Each Hazack Blessed ..
The Commission Mole Dare and Dark ..
Gary and the Prophet and your neighbor ..
Oh Ghali day month ..
I Ahnik Baddoumeh ..
Asak Ok Oh dear ..
Well, health Tsoumeh ..

Bouquet flowers and receipt
The basket essay promises
And Ramadan you back
Fragrant and Rod Breihan
The wage limits doomed
Flowers and responded Rehan
Oktefth of garden Rahman
A gift for friends near occasion of Ramadan


XAC Lord silk heart
Aspens and Jamal Al-Hassan
Park your Shaaban
The entrusted Ramadan


God illuminate your heart Koran
And under your Ijmani Rahman
Baraka and informs us together Shaaban
The burden of Ramadan
And forgiveness Karim Mannan
And I gather you are the Ahbena
In Dar heart


Explain your
Eliminates Hmk
And bless you * Shaaban. Ramadan + +
. * Karim. *.
+. * +. *

Lifting God Kdrk
Faraj and Hmk
The entrusted Ramadan
Loved by the Lord
The long as those who loves


Days involves page
Ramadan begins
FRIENDLY Akelmk but Mo capable ..
Scared Asir Originator
And I love Nater


God accepts Shehamk and you …
Mubarak month and you
Because you health HE
Omar long …. God willing,

Each Rajab and you went
All Shaaban You Farhan
Every Ramadan, and you health and safety and the safety


Delights, Mr. Lord
Everybody …
Every Ramadan joy
Overlooks …
And special congratulations to you before
Everybody ….


Nostalgia and sent Shuq
To the people of taste and masters

Ahnehem imminent Ramadan
Asahm Dom Awadh

Oh people Uday Rajab
Shaaban and boys Btab
Arrived month tortured
Ramadan every year you well


Ramadan near
Probably the earliest Ajerk
The nearest thing to my heart




الموضووع جميل والفكرة رائعه راقت لى ومجهود يستحق الشكر والامتنان

يقييييييييييييييم لكى …ولموضوعك

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة •❀(ژھـــرہ Age de la Fleur ألعمــــر)•❀ خليجية
الموضووع جميل والفكرة رائعه راقت لى ومجهود يستحق الشكر والامتنان

يقييييييييييييييم لكى …ولموضوعك

خليجية ــزهرة العمر خليجية

الجمــــــــــــآل هو مروركـ الرائع روعة قلبك
ممتنة أنـــــــــــــــــــــــــآأإ
جزـــــــــــــــــــآكـ الله خيرـــــآ


Ramadan 2024 in the Philippine 2024.

Ramadan 2024 in the Philippine


Ramadan 2024 in the Philippine


Living here in Cotabato City Philippines is actually being familiar with the customs and practices both of the Christians and Muslim residents. Yes, our city is occupied with almost equal numbers of residents from both religions. So the way we celebrate Christmas season in December, our fellow Muslim friends are also celebrating a special occasion called Ramadan.

I may not know it by exact details, but the way I understand with how my Muslim friends celebrate it, Ramadan season don’t have a specific date. They follow the Islamic Calendar which is a lunar calendar that is 11-12 days shorter than the tropical year. Their months begin when the first crescent of a new moon is sighted. That’s the very reason why every year, Ramadan season is earlier than it was the previous years. Since the beginning date would depend on the lunar sighting in a certain ****************, it is expected that Ramadan’s beginning and ending date is different among different countries.

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar where Muslims believe the Holy Quran (Koran) was revealed. For Muslims, Quran is the word of God or Allah in Arabic that also consists of guidance for man of right and wrong. Fasting is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam which they practice during Ramadan. Yes, for the entire month they only eat dawn time (suhoor) before sunrise and spend the day without food and water intake and just break the fast by sunset (iftar) as following the custom of Prophet Muhammad. This is followed by the sunset prayer, then followed by dinner eating together as Ramadan is also about community aspects. Fasting or also called as Sawm, is to abstain eating and drinking that is obligatory to ADULT Muslims, but limited to the pregnant, sick person, those who are travelling, diabetic and female on their menstrual period. The kids that desire to practice can also fast, but not obligatory. I remember my friends would only restrain from food intake but are drinking water. Some are even fasting for as long as they could manage during the day, but would break their fast earlier than sunset. Aside from not eating and drinking, during fasting they are also to refrain from smoking, and engaging in sexual relations; in some interpretations they also refrain from swearing.

Just like Christmas, this Holy Month of Ramadan is a time for them to increase offering of salat (prayers) and recite the Quran. They try to read the Quran as much as they can or listen to the Quran reading in the mosques. They also believe that the 27th night of Ramadan season is the Night of Power(Lailat ul-Qadr), so they spend the whole night praying. That this 1 night is even better than thousand nights.


The way I see it, the Ramadan season is a self-reflection, meditation, devotion and worship period for the Muslims. Because fasting is not only controlling one’s desires (of food, drink and sex) and focusing more on devoting oneself to God. Though they don’t have decorations hanged everywhere, lights, exchange gifts here, I have read that on other countries they also hang Ramadan lanterns. I know they celebrate it equally grand as how Christians celebrate the Christmas season.


In our office, the work time is supposed to be 8-12 then 1-5pm but my Muslim office mates should be working till 5:15pm. Why? Because for the Ramadan month, they will be allowed to go home by 3pm as per office consideration in the observance of the Holy Ramadan and their most sacred month. Some of our office mates are even allowed to take leave of absence every Friday of the whole month just as long as they have filed for it before the season. Then during snack time, we Christians would be eating on areas that are not visible by the Muslim office mates. It’s our way of respect for their convenience as they sacrifice not to eat the usual meal time.


جوزيتي خيرااا على المرور العطر
ثـــــآآنكسْ فووْر ديسْ توبيـــــكْ

الله غالب رمضــــآآنْ غلبني هههه

جزاك الله خيرا اختي
it is very important topic dear .really we feel more ************** when we see the muslims people around the world celebrate this holy month.

bon ramadan 2024.

bon ramadan


Salam aleykoum chers sœurs et frères en Islam,

Je vous souhaite un bon ramadan !

Je demande à Allah azzawajel de faire en sorte que le Coran soit notre compagnon durant ce mois béni, ainsi qu’après et tout au long de notre vie.

Je Lui demande également d’accepter notre jeûne et de nous ouvrir les portes du Paradis.

Dans vos invocations, n’oubliez pas nos frères et soeurs en Syrie, Birmanie, Palestine, Afghanistan, Irak, Chine, Somalie et dans tous les pays où ils souffrent. Puisse Allah leur venir en aide. Amine.

Puisse Allah faire de nous pieux. Amine.

Si Allah soubhanou wa ta’ala nous facilite, nous lancerons une opération de Solidarité durant ce ramadan

كلام رائع و دعوة أروع بمناسبة رمضان
جزاك الله خيراا
مودتي و تقييمي
Ramadan Moubarak Karima Ma sr خليجية

رمضان مبارك سعيد ياروحي
ينعاد عليك بالخير و اليمن و البركات
ودي لك
في حفظ الله



شكرا على المرور