You ARE . When You ARE . Wise words I once read تعلم انجليزية 2024.

You ARE….. When You ARE… Wise words I once read


You are strong…
when you take your grief and teach it to smile

You are brave…
when you overcome your fear
and help others to do the same

You are happy…
when you see a flower and are thankful for the blessing

You are loving…
when your own pain does not blind you to the pain of others

You are wise…
when you know the limits of your wisdom

You are true…
when you admit there are times you fool yourself

You are alive…
when tomorrow’s hope means more to you than yesterday’s mistake

You are growing…
when you know what you are but not what you will become

You are free…
when you are in control of yourself
and do not wish to control others

You are honorable…
when you find your honor is to honor others

You are generous…
when you can take as sweetly as you can give

You are humble…
when you do not know how humble you are

You are thoughtful…
when you see me just as I am and treat me just as you are

You are merciful…
when you forgive in others the faults you condemn in yourself

You are beautiful…
when you don’t need a mirror to tell you

You are rich…
when you never need more than what you have

You are you…
when you are at peace with who you are not

very good

thank you

great words
thanks mahawe 4 ur effort
i like it very much
thank you so much
Thanks for the subject
wait your ******t….

!!ThX A lOt My DeAr FoR dA nIcE tOpIc


pLz AcCePt My ReGaRds

wise sayings 2024.

wise sayings


Hello every body


خليجية:I will give you some wise sayings

The road to success is not straight خليجية

Good friends are hard to find ,harder to leave,and impossible to forgetخليجية

Life is not a race,It is a journeyخليجية

If you don’t succeed,Try,Try and try again خليجية

It’s not what you do that you should regret ;it’s what you don’t do خليجية

خليجيةخليجية goodby

nice quotes dear

and i love hello kitty

thanks again 🙂

I’m happy to know that



it’s very important sentences

warda , thank you very much

We are waiting for the new

thank you very much

Story wise women المراءه الحكيمه 2024.

Story wise women المراءه الحكيمه



[[ "]Rose Omar – may God be pleased with him – day forum, and speeches in people and asked them not Egaloa Colts in women, because the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him The owners did not increase in women Colts on the 400th ounce? Therefore, their only increase in the offer women the 400th ounce. When he descended from the Emir of believers podium,
[/COLOR]She said a woman from Graish: Oh prince of believers, people forbidden to increase women freely in the 400th ounce? He said: Yes. She said: I heard the words of God Almighty: (and) come one pound (Quintal: Capital lot). He said: ‘God, all the people of their age. Then retracts Fassad podium, He said: O people, I was Nhitakem that Tzidoua Colts in women, it is willing to give from his loved what Vljevall

قصة المرأة الحكيمة

صعد عمر- رضي الله عنه- يوما المنبر، وخطب في الناس، فطلب منهم ألا يغالوا في مهور النساء، لأن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه لم يزيدوا في مهور النساء عن أربعمائة درهم؟ لذلك أمرهم ألا يزيدوا في صداق المرأة على أربعمائة درهم.فلما نزل أمير المؤمنين من على المنبر، قالت له امرأة من قريش: يا أمير المؤمنين، نهيت الناس أن يزيدوا النساء في صدقاتهن على أربعمائة درهم؟ قال: نعم.فقالت: أما سمعت قول الله تعالى: {وآتيتم إحداهن قنطارا} ( القنطار: المال الكثير).فقال: اللهم غفرانك، كل الناس أفقه من عمر.ثم رجع فصعد المنبر، وقال: يا أيها الناس إني كنت نهيتكم أن تزيدوا في مهور النساء، فمن شاء أن يعطي من ماله ما أحب فليفعل [/SIZE]


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاسلام بلغات أخرى خليجية

Thanks for being here
Thanks a million

thank you
Thanks for being here

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أم أنفــــآل خليجية

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