How to ask your boss‏ 2024.

How to ask your boss‏


One day an employee sends a letter to his boss asking for an increase in his salary !!!

Dear Bo$$

In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding the need$of u$.We are worker$who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company ..
I am $ure you will gue$$what I meant and re$pond $oon.


The next day, the employee received this letter of reply:


I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOw a days, NOthing much has changed. You must haveNOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticably well . NOw the newspapers are saying the world’s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad. I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean .

—- Your Boss

he he he

very funny ,,,


he he he he
great funny

thanks dear

very funny خليجية

On your Style ! 2024.

On your Style !














وااااااااااو حلوين صح ..!! يلا لا تهربون .. ردوا على الموضوع و بعدها اهربوا .. خليجية

مشكورة اختي ما قصرتي يعطيج الله آلف عافيه
شكرا حبيبتي شعله على مرورج ؟؟ يسلمـــــــوو
واااااو رووووووووعه
مثلك يارئـــــــعه
انتي الأروع حبيبتي يالغالية انتي والله ..
و مشكوره ام عبدالملك على المرور الرائع
يسلموو ع الصور حبيبتي
الله يسلمكم يا بنات و ربي يعطيكم الف عافيه على المرور الحلو

let us know your wisdom in the life 2024.

let us know your wisdom in the life

everyone from us has a wisdom, which already took it from the situations that we faced in this life

so let us learn together these wisdoms

I’ll start with my self

if you have the will, there’s a way

and you what’s your wisdom ?

عذرا عزيزتي

الموضوع مكرر بالقسم

بانتظار جديدك

Express your feelings 2024.

Express your feelings





Express your feeling in one word

for example :

u can say : I am happy, thirsty, angry , hungry ,sad , alone

I am in love

I miss someone

I hate someone


angry .


I’m lost……
want something

; )


thx Asma for this sweet post

i dont know

welcome banooteh


صوري~your meal~وشاركي -على طريقتي 2024.

صوري~your meal~وشاركي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لديك صور لوجبة طعامك …..شاركي بها ذهبت إلى مطعم …..صوري وجبتك لتشاركي بها …….حلوياتك الشهيه ……..وكذلك مشروباتك المفضله شاركي بها ….

على سبيل المثال….
سأعود لكم بالمزيد إنتظروني ……

فكره رائعه لي عوده ان شاءالله
بإنتظار مشاركتك يافراولة زوجها ونورتي
طيب حبيبتي لو ممكن حد يقولي ازاي ارفع الصور
لاني عمل حاجات كتير ومبعرفش احطها علشان الصور
اذا حد ممكن يعلمني اكون شاكرة جدا
والموضوع رائع ومفيد
لا تحرمينا جديدك
بإنتظارك ..كل ما عليكي إنك تحملي صورك من أي مركز تحميل وتنسخي كود المنتديات وبس ….سهله مرررره ….بإنتظار مشاركتك
فكرة هايلة

Answer each question in your own way using 2024.

Answer each question in your own way using

Answer each question in your own way using
an infinitive of purpose.

1.Why do people join chat rooms?

2.Why do people e-mail their friends?

3.Why do people surf the internet?

4.Why do people visit electronics store ***sites?

5.Why are you studying English?


1.Why do people join chat rooms?

to chat with other people

2.Why do people e-mail their friends?

to keep in touch with them

3.Why do people surf the internet?

to find out new information

4.Why do people visit electronics store ***sites?

to stay up-to-date with the new tecnology

5.Why are you studying English?

because i enjoy the english ********

the last word is

l a n g u a g e

يسلمو ريماس حبيبتي
1.Why do people join chat rooms?

to meet new friends.

2.Why do people e-mail their friends?

to stay in touch with them

3.Why do people surf the internet?

to know what go on in the world

4.Why do people visit electronics store ***sites?

to develope new things

5.Why are you studying English?

because its my favourite ************************************************** ******

open your door -انجليزي 2024.

open your door

i don’t want to be the reason reason why
you cry

why you lie

i don’t want to be the reason behind your

behind your dawn

i wanna be the reason why you laugh

why you smile

i want to be the reason behind your

behind your happy soul

i want to see your smile

i want to alter your life

there is a lot of closed doors

waiting for you to open them

just by a smile

a happy true smile

so what are you waiting for

go ahead and open your door

🙂 this is realy lovely poem

do u read alot of poems or litreature dear?

look its truly good but i think u can do better

do u write in arabic then translate it ?

or just write in english rightaway ?

i think that it’s little literal

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة coolgurl خليجية
🙂 this is realy lovely poem

do u read alot of poems or litreature dear?

look its truly good but i think u can do better

do u write in arabic then translate it ?

or just write in english rightaway ?

i think that it’s little literal

no i write it right away without translate it

nope i don’t read a alot of pomes or literature , well a actually i don’t have a time to read

yeah your right it’s kinda of literal

hmm dont u love to read ??

anyway if u really want to get better u sould read alot

try shekspear

come to chat so we can know u ?

thanks alot

please !! i wanna your opinion 2024.

please !! i wanna your opinion

salam 3alaykom ya habayeb inchalah tkouno bkhir !!
baddi your opinion fi mochkilti hadi please la tebakhlou 3anni nassa2ihkomm!!

Fih chab bhebbou ktirخليجية w howa kaman biyhebni ktirخليجية,howa nafsou yiji yokhtobni,bas ana khayfa men baba annou ma ye9balch!! 3achan hada chab b ya3mal gendarme!! ana malich mochkil lakin baba ma ba3rif!!

please akhawati!! i need your advices !!
thanks a lot

حبيبتي طيب حاولي تخبري أحد قريب منك مثل أمك يعني
وخليها تمهد الطريق لأبوك عشان تشوفوا ردة فعله
والله يوفقكم أن شاءالله
حياك الله يالغلا

والله نفس ماقالت ام يوسف اذا الشاب ملتزم وطيب واخلاقه كويسه بغض النظر عن مهنته
وخليه يتقدم لك وان شاء الله خير
الله يوفقكك
وياقلبي اذا الكي بورد عندك ماتقدرين تكتبي بالعربي
فيه فوق بالصفحه الرئيسه
مكتوب الكيبورد العربي
تقدرين تستفيدين منه


الله يسهلك أحلا شي آثنين يحبو بعض يتزوجوا بعض حاولي مع والدك و كوني شجاعة هدا زواج إنتي اللي راح تتزوجي و بالتوفيق في شغلة ليش خايفة أبوكي ما يوافقك عشان مهنت زوجك ؟ عادي الأمن أحلى شي تحياتي لك حبيبتي
ايش يعني gendarme
وربي ما فهمتها

بس الشغل مو عيب
اهم شي يكون شغل شريف ولا يغضب الله
موفقة عزيزتي

والكيبورد العربي فوق على اليمين أعلى الصفحة

شكرا لكن حبيباتي, جزاكن لله خيرا!!
و gendarme هو سلك من الامن في الجزائر 🙂

Write about your own personality.Talk about 2024.

Write about your own personality.Talk about

Write about your own personality.Talk about

your personality traits.Explain whether you

are an introvert or an extrovert.Give examples

and reasons.

Im an introvert خليجية

please this is very important
for me
شو بليز
ساعدوني لو جملة
خلاص حبيبتي من عيوني بساعدك إنشالله,,,

بس إستني حتى أضيف المشاركات للائحة الدورة,,,


;if we go wandering among people; we’ll sure find out that each one of them has his/her own personality. sometimes we find someone who is funny; another person who is shy; or someone else who is talkative…etc
, now am going to talk about my own personality; well; i think am a little bit shy, because my friends and people who are close to me; say that it quite takes me a certain period of time to get to know someone that i met recently, in other words that means that am introvert. but i don’t think that it’s a bad thing at all, because it gives me the opportunity to chose my friends carefully; and it also keeps the annoying people away from me…? funny isn’t it

و لو فيه أي شي تاني أنا جاهزة عيوني,,, بس عطيني شوية وقت,,,

تحياتي ياغاليه,,,

على عيني و راسي و الله ما قصرتي
Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice?

If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out?

If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you have an introvert on your hands-and that you aren’t caring for him properly. Science has learned a good deal in recent years about the habits and requirements of introverts. It has even learned, by means of brain scans, that introverts process information differently from other people (I am not making this up). If you are behind the curve on this important matter, be reassured that you are not alone. Introverts may be common, but they are also among the most misunderstood and aggrieved groups in America, possibly the world.

I know. My name is Jonathan, and I am an introvert.

Oh, for years I denied it. After all, I have good social skills. I am not morose or misanthropic. Usually. I am far from shy. I love long conversations that explore intimate thoughts or passionate interests. But at last I have self-identified and come out to my friends and colleagues. In doing so, I have found myself liberated from any number of damaging misconceptions and stereotypes. Now I am here to tell you what you need to know in order to respond sensitively and supportively to your own introverted family members, friends, and colleagues. Remember, someone you know, respect, and interact with every day is an introvert, and you are probably driving this person nuts. It pays to learn the warning signs.

What is introversion?

In its modern sense, the concept goes
back to the 1920s and the psychologist
Carl Jung. Today it is a mainstay of
personality tests,
Introverts are not necessarily shy.
Shy people are anxious or frightened or
self-excoriating in social settings;
Introverts are also not misanthropic,

introverts are people who find other
people tiring.

For introverts, to be alone with our
thoughts is as restorative as sleeping,
as nourishing as eating.
Our motto: "I’m okay, you’re okay"

no doubt be a calmer, saner, more
peaceful sort of place.

The only thing a true introvert dislikes
more than talking about himself is
repeating himself.

Introverts are described with words
like "guarded," "loner," "reserved,"
"taciturn," "self-contained," "private"
narrow ungenerous words, words that
suggest emotional parsimony and
smallness of personality.

Female introverts,must suffer especially.
In certain circles, particularly in the
Midwest, a man can still sometimes get
away with being what they used to call a
strong and silent type; introverted
women, lacking that alternative, are
even more likely than men to be
perceived as timid, withdrawn, haughty.

I suppose this common misconception
more reflective, more independent,
more level-headed, more refined,
and more sensitive than extroverts.

We tend to think
before talking,

Introverts don’t outwardly complain,

when perhaps an Introverts Rights
movement has blossomed
it will not be impolite to say
"I’m an introvert. You are a wonderful


thanx a lot